Modeling and Understanding Curtailment in Orkney
Students: Niels Ørbæk Chemnitz
Philippe Bonnet, Sebastian Büttrich
Level: Msc,
Fall 2018, Spring 2019
Tags: Orkney, Wind Energy, Forecasting, Modeling, Curtailment
Experimental evaluation of an LSM-Tree (RocksDB) on an Open-Channel SSD
Students: Niclas Hedam
Supervisor: Philippe Bonnet
Level: BSc,
Semester: Spring 2019
Tags: SSDs, Open-Channel SSD, Key-Value Store, LSM-Tree, FTL, RocksDB
Investigating what an HTAP benchmark needs
Students: Jeppe Koch Schwensen
Pınar Tözün
Level: MSc,
Spring 2019
Tags: HTAP, benchmarking
How do we implement and efficiently train a centralized deep learning system converting speech to text in a scalable manner?
Students: Sebastian Baunsgaard & Sebastian Benjamin Wrede
Pınar Tözün
Level: MSc,
Spring 2019
Tags: Automatic Speech Recognition, Deep Learning, Scalable
Investigating the behavior of acoustic model training via deep learning on co-processors of different price groups
Students: Sebastian Baunsgaard & Sebastian Benjamin Wrede
Pınar Tözün
Level: MSc,
Fall 2019
Tags: Automatic Speech Recognition, GPUs, Deep Learning
Building a task management system for multi-tenant cloud
Students: Peter Hrvola
Supervisor: Pınar Tözün
Level: MSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: cloud, hardware resource management, virtualization
Description model for windmill electricity production based on causal inference
Students: Preben Bruntse Nielsen
Supervisor: Philippe Bonnet
Level: MSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: Causal Inference, Energinet, Electricity Forecasting
Intel’s oneAPI vs CPP
Students: Danny Delic
Supervisor: Pınar Tözün
Level: BSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: oneAPI, ML, heterogeneous hardware, multi-threading, data-parallel execution
Extending the OX FTL with Deltas
Students: Alexander Palsson, Benjamin Møller Noer & Mark Kristian Kristensen
Supervisor: Philippe Bonnet
Level: BSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: SSDs, OX, Computational Storage
An investigation of the performance of OCSSDs and stuff
Students: Patrick Louis Gullik Corell & Jakob Steen Mikkelsen
Supervisor: Philippe Bonnet
Level: BSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: SSDs, FPGA, Computational Storage
Experimenting with memory mapped files
Students: Dag Bjerre Andersen
Supervisor: Philippe Bonnet
Level: BSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: memory mapped files, data structures
Graphical User Interface for a LPWAN Gateway Management system
Students: Magnus Arnild Ipsen & Elias Zakarias Jørgensen
Supervisor: Philippe Bonnet
Level: BSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: TTN, Full-stack, intermittent connections
Clustering Perspective Forecasting Model
Students: Weisi Li
Supervisor: Philippe Bonnet
Level: MSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: Machine Learning, Energinet, Electricity Forecasting
How does commonly used time series systems handle an HTAP/IoT use-case?
Students: Marcus Winding Quistgaard
Supervisor: Pınar Tözün
Level: MSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: HTAP, IoT, benchmarking
Experimental evaluation of KV-SSD
Students: Jonas Schartau Groos
Supervisor: Philippe Bonnet
Level: BSc,
Semester: Spring 2020
Tags: SSDs, KV-SSD, Key-Value Store
Designing evaluation schemes for cluster analysis of high-dimensional data using biased example clusters.
Students: Rasmus Friis Jensen
Niels Ørbæk Chemnitz, Philippe Bonnet
Level: MSc,
Semester: Spring 2021
Tags: Unsupervised Learning, Recommender Systems, High-dimensional Data, Experimental Design