Tagged with: Satellite


LoRa is a long range, low bandwith networking protocol widely used in Internet of Things projects, sensor networks, low power, low cost and embedded systems. LoRa’s encoding schema allows for extremely long distance communications with small power usage and small simple antennas. This combination of features has made it attractive to small satellite operators flying cubesats and LoRa is now …
Supervisors: Sebastian Büttrich
Semester: Fall 2024
Tags: satellite, LoRa, cubesat, IoT, embedded, electronics


ITU is a partner of the Danish Student Cubesat Program, DISCOSAT. We launched our first satellite DISCO-1 into Low Earth Orbit in April 2023 and we will launch a second DISCO-2 in 2024. In this project you will gain experience with automating live satellite operations and communications, completing a groundstation at the Rued Langaards Vej site for use with both satellites. The DISCO satellite …
Supervisors: Julian Priest
Semester: Fall 2023
Tags: satellite, ground station, software defined radio, automation, csp


The DISCO-2 satellite is an Earth observation satellite in collaboration with the Arctic Research Center in Aarhus and is designed to complement ground based field studies in Greenland. The satellite instrument consists of 2 high quality visible light and 1 infrared cameras, as well as and attitude control system and coral TPU ML coprocessor. In this project you will develop software to control …
Supervisors: Julian Priest
Semester: Fall 2023
Tags: satellite, climate change, image processing, ML, csp, embedded, space


The DISCO-2 satellite will have accelerated machine learning capability based on the inclusion of a Coral TPU ML accelerator module. This will allow images taken by the satellite to be analaysed on satellite using a variety of ML models, with only select images sent back to Earth. This approach allows for more flexibility in image aquisition and saves downlink bandwidth which is very constrained …
Supervisors: Julian Priest, Robert Bayer
Semester: Fall 2023
Tags: satellite, ground station, software defined radio, automation, csp


The Danish Student Cubesat Program is an inter university collaboration that will launch 3 cubesats into Low Earth Orbit over the next 4 years. The satellites will be designed, operated, programmed and built by students and the project offers an opportunity for Master’s students to take part in a live satellite project. ITU is partnering with Aarhus University on DISCOSAT2 which will be an …
Supervisors: Sebastian Büttrich, Julian Priest
Semester: Fall 2021
Tags: Satellite, Cubesat, Image processing, Machine Learning, edge, constrained computing


ITU is a partner in the Danish Student Cubesat Program, DISCO which will launch a series of small satellites into orbit, starting with DISCO 1 in 2023 and followed by DISCO2 in 2024. As part of this project ITU is installing a satellite ground station with a range of antenna rotators on the roof of Rued Langaards Vej building and the equipment has been purchased. The ground station will track the …
Supervisors: Julian Priest
Semester: archive
Tags: Satellite, Image processing, Edge, Constrained Computing, Networks, Machine Learning, Embeded, Software Defined Radio


ITU is a partner in the Danish Student Cubesat Program DISCO, which will launch a series of small satellites into orbit, starting with DISCO 1 in 2023 and followed by DISCO2 in 2024. ITU is developing a hi-res multi camera imaging payload for earth observation primarily in the Arctic. We are developing an on satellite machine learning capability using an ML coprocessor, as well as models that can …
Supervisors: Julian Priest
Semester: archive
Tags: Satellite, Image processing, Edge, Constrained Computing, Networks, Machine Learning, Embeded, Radio


In LoRaWAN networks such as The Things Network, long distance transmissions, well beyond the limitations of line of sight in terrestrial geometry, are frequently observed. Tropospheric effects are seen as responsible for bending or guiding radio waves around the earth curvature. As an example, under the right weather conditions, the LoRaWAN gateway at ITU may collect packets from northern Germany, …
Supervisors: Sebastian Büttrich
Semester: Fall 2022
Tags: IoT, LoRaWAN, LPWAN, satellite, networks, troposphere, weather


Recent progress in LoRaWAN development has made a new generation of satellite communications offerings available to IoT devices. In these, the LoRaWAN gateway is satellite born, and collecting data from small inexpensive ground stations. So far, this is predominantly seen as a means of communciation for remote sensor data, e.g. in agriculture, logistics or wildlife monitoring. However, one can …
Supervisors: Sebastian Büttrich
Semester: Fall 2021
Tags: IoT, LoRaWAN, LPWAN, satellite, networks, edge, security


Deliberately scoped very wide, this group contains a number of projects in different possible directions, from Location services via LPWAN time-of-flight and GPS/GNSS, Vessel tracking and management in fisheries, tourism and logistcs Water quality anc chemistry sensing for Aquaculure, specifically Mariculture, Wave and tidal dynamics, e.g. in energy harvesting and variations/combinations of …
Supervisors: Sebastian Büttrich
Semester: Fall 2022
Tags: Satellite, Image processing, Machine Learning, edge, constrained computing, IoT, sensors, location