Tagged with: medical imaging


Machine learning methods are often evaluated on benchmark datasets, in computer vision, medical imaging, NLP and other fields. In such evaluation, researchers often describe the data as being: representative, for example based on the distribution of ages of the patients mirroring the world population, similar, for example because both dataset contain pictures of animals diverse, for example …
Supervisors: Veronika Cheplygina
Semester: Spring 2025
Tags: machine learning, medical imaging, data analysis, meta-research


In medical imaging, multi-task learning can be used to train a model that jointly predicts both a diagnosis, and other patient characteristics, such as demographic variables. Among others, this strategy has frequently been used for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s from brain MR scans, with age as an additional variable, see Zhang et al as an example. The idea is that both the disease, and age, …
Supervisors: Veronika Cheplygina
Semester: Spring 2025
Tags: machine learning, medical imaging, data analysis, fairness


Machine learning methods for medical imaging, for example segmentation of skin lesions or classification of lung cancer, are often evaluated on benchmark datasets such as ISIC, CheXpert, MIMIC-CXR and so forth. In such evaluation, researchers often compare the methods they propose, to state-of-the-art methods in the field, and report various performance metrics such as Dice score, AUC etc. Due to …
Supervisors: Veronika Cheplygina
Semester: Spring 2025
Tags: machine learning, medical imaging, data analysis, meta-research, reproducibility


Spectral learning priority is a useful tool in analyzing a model’s focus during training, it describes how a model may understand a given image from the spectrum perspective. For example, to distinguish cats and tortoises, learning to recognize their shapes would be enough, such embedding will result in higher learning priority at low frequencies representing shapes; while learning to …
Supervisors: Yucheng Lu, Veronika Cheplygina
Semester: Fall 2024
Tags: Spectral analysis, Image classification, Medical imaging


It has been observed that deep learning models are able to identify patient characteristics such as age, sex, and self-reported race with high accuracy from medical images such as chest x-ray recordings, even when medical doctors cannot. This raises the potential for such models to learn to (falsely) diagnose patients of different demographics differently, even if they present with the same …
Supervisors: Amelia Jiménez-Sánchez, Eike Petersen, Veronika Cheplygina
Semester: Fall 2024
Tags: machine learning, data science, medical imaging


There is pressure on hospitals to implement AI systems which promise to improve diagnoses and save time for the doctors. One use-case could be related to the automation of protocoling based on a physician referral. Currently, this requires a referral letter from a physician who has examined a patient and evaluates that there is a need for additional imaging studies. In this case, the physician …
Supervisors: Veronika Cheplygina
Semester: Fall 2023
Tags: machine learning, medical imaging, data analysis


Concept Bottleneck Models [1] are designed to leverage high-level concepts. They revisit the classic idea of first predicting concepts that are providing at training time, and then using these concepts to predict the label. By construction, it is possible to intervene on these concept bottleneck models by editing their predicted concept values and propagating these changes to the final prediction. …
Supervisors: Amelia Jiménez-Sánchez
Semester: Spring 2025
Tags: machine learning, data science, medical imaging


A medical Visual Question Answering (VQA) system can provide meaningful references for both doctors and patients during the treatment process. Different from normal images, a learning setting with medical images is more challenging due limited amounts of data, class-imbalance and the presence of label noise for diagnosis tasks. Moreover, little attention is paid to how the images and meta-data is …
Supervisors: Amelia Jiménez-Sánchez
Semester: Fall 2023
Tags: medical imaging, deep learning, machine learning, transfer learning, meta-learning


Machine learning models, especially larger models that are used in for example image or text datasets, can be expensive to train. During development models are usually trained multiple times for example to optimize hyperparameters, which can result in a large carbon footprint. This project specifically focuses specifically on medical data. There are some recent efforts, for example by Selvan et …
Supervisors: Veronika Cheplygina
Semester: Fall 2023
Tags: machine learning, medical imaging, data analysis, resource consumption


There have been several situations where machine learning classifiers, trained to diagnose a particular disease (for example, lung cancer from chest x-rays), overfit on hidden features within the data. Examples include gridlines, surgical markers or evidence of treatment or text present in the images (see references for examples). This causes the classifier to fail on other type of images. …
Supervisors: Veronika Cheplygina, Amelia Jiménez-Sánchez
Semester: Spring 2025
Tags: machine learning, data science, medical imaging