Jana Giceva (TU Munich), Martin Hentschel (ITU), and Tobias Ziegler (TU Munich) are organizing the Workshop on Advances in Cloud Data Management, co-located with the BTW Conference 2025.
We are excited to host speakers from leading companies including Amazon Web Services (AWS), CedarDB, Confluent, Databricks, Firebolt, MotherDuck, Observe, SAP, and Snowflake, as well as research groups from University of Copenhagen, ETH Zürich, Hasso Plattner Institute, Technical University of Munich, and University of Technology Nuremberg.
A special highlight of the workshop will be the keynote by Peter Boncz (CWI Amsterdam & MotherDuck), titled: MotherDuck: DuckDB Backed by the Cloud.
Check out the full program, including all speakers, talk titles, and abstracts, here: https://itu-dasyalab.github.io/btw2025workshop